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Q’s Reviews – June 24, 2019

June 24, 2019

5B.  This documentary gives us an inside look at the nurses, staff and doctors who created the first AIDS ward (Ward 5B) in San Francisco General Hospital.  It is 1983 and gay men are dying of all manner of exotic cancers and no one knows why.  5B was the center of the HIV/AIDs epidemic.  The nurses and staff emphasized human contact and interaction.  Their holistic approach was contrary to the medical wisdom at the time but the approach on 5B turned out to be the best.  Given the fear about AIDS and the stigmas associated with it, these caregivers were very brave.   The film is filled with heart rendering stories as HIV wreaks havoc. But science did find a cause and ways to control HIV.  This is a must see and a Peggy’s Pick.   It is in limited release but worth the effort to find.   Rated PG-13 for thematic content including unsettling images, and some strong language.

Toy Story 4.   Disney and Pixar have worked their magic once again.  Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Bo Peep and the tribe of toys are all back. A new toy, Forky, is now their child’s favorite.  Forky and the gang go on quite an adventure that takes them to a carnival which provides a rich backdrop for all sorts of fun and tender moments.  Bo Peep figures prominently as she brings a feminine point of view to the world of toys.  The animation is dazzling with vibrant colors, expressive faces and natural movement.  This film will give the adults loads of subtle humor and the kids an adorable story.  Pack up the kids and grandkids and go.  This is one you want to see on the Big Screen.  Rated G.  It is a Peggy’s Pick.

Men in Black: International.   This is the fourth installment in the franchise and the premise has run out of gas.  There is no cleverness; it is just an average monster movie.  Introducing a woman as one of the “Men” In Black should have provided some interesting repartee, but nothing of note happens.  The Men in Black exist to protect the Earth from revolting aliens.  We needed more disgusting aliens.  This time it’s a mole in the organization causing the grief.  And it is too obvious from the beginning who that is.  Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action, some language and suggestive material.

Echo In the Canyon.  If you love the music of the 1960s, then this documentary is for you.  Jacob Dylan (son of Bob) takes us on a tour through 1965-67, as Laurel Canyon becomes a mecca for music.  The Canyon is a Los Angeles neighborhood near the LA recording studios. The historical musical roots of iconic groups such as The Beach Boys, The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield The Mamas and the Papas, The Beatles and Tom Petty are examined.  They were all neighbors in Laurel Canyon and shared their music and dreams with one another.  Archival footage, current interviews and tributes are woven together to make a beautiful tribute to these marvelous musicians.  Rated PG-13.

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