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Q’s Reviews – April 22, 2024

April 22, 2024

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.   This ultra-violent and humorous film lives by the motto “the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi” preferably blown to pieces.  Set in World War II the intrepid heroes of the film are part of a super-secret squad answerable only to the Prime Minister.  They are sent on a mission to disrupt the fueling and munitions supply to the U Boats.  They travel to the Gulf of Guinea to sink a supply ship but discover they can’t sink it, so they steal it instead.  This is a Guy Ritchie film, so it is clever, and action packed.  The Nazis are evil incarnate, so all get their just rewards.  There is a beautiful heroine (Eiza González) who uses her wiles and understanding of banal men to help achieve the team’s goals.  The film is fun but not for everyone.  It is based on actual events during WWII.  Rated R for strong violence throughout and some language.  In Theatres.

Wicked Little Letters.   Who knew the English language lends itself to such creative vulgarity.  Olivia Coleman as Edith and Jessie Buckley as Rose, make this movie special and a must see.  It is set in Littlehampton UK in the post World War I era.  Edith is an uptight spinster living with her elderly parents.  She spouts Bible verses at every opportunity.  Rose is a rowdy Irish immigrant who loves a pint with the guys in the local pub.  She has quite a mouth on her and is known for inventive invective.  Edith begins to receive letters full of uproarious profanities.  Rose is the presumed author and is charged with criminal libel and finds herself caught up in the English justice system.   The town police dismiss Rose’s protestation of innocence since she is a woman.  They suppress conclusive evidence of her guiltlessness.  The women of the town gather their own evidence and expose the real culprit.  This is a fun romp, so seek it out.   It’s true story that captivated the English press in the early 1920s.  Rated R for language throughout and sexual material.  In Theatres.  It is a Peggy’s Pick.  

The Morning Show.   We saw Season 1.   Seasons 1, 2 and 3 are available on Apple TV+.  One would hope that our morning TV news does not have this much sexual harassment, scandal and backstabbing going on behind the camera.  Oops, forgot about Matt Lauer.   The cast is the main reason to see this.  Jennifer Anniston and Reese Witherspoon costar and are also cocreators of the series.  Steve Carrel is charming sexual predator.  Billy Crudup is a conniving corporate executive.   The network boss is a pathological liar.  Mark Duplass is an earnest Executive Producer trying to keep it all together.  The good production crew walk a fine line.  The series has something for everybody.  Check it out for a few episodes and you will find yourself coming back for more.  Rated TV MA for language and sexual content.  

From → Movies

One Comment
  1. Paul Reavis permalink

    Thanks. Stanford is having a Hitchcock Festival

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